Cuts & Lacerations
A bustling day at the Urgent Care Brisbane saw a gentleman in his early forties, named Peter, rushing in with a painful grimace. A shard of glass had managed to cut a deep gash into his hand while at work, which we would later classify under common types of cuts & lacerations. Peter’s situation is common at our facility, and the process we follow in such instances is nothing short of meticulous.
CT Scan
Infection Markers
Cardiac Markers
Kidney Infections

An episode of a kidney infection can feel like the world’s most prolonged and excruciating roller coaster ride. Ask Rachel – a 33-year-old software engineer who visited Urgent Care Brisbane (UCB) due to unbearable abdominal pain. The diagnosis? A kidney infection. But how did Rachel get here?
Abscesses & Cellulitis

There’s nothing like a story to help illustrate the experience of dealing with an uncomfortable medical situation, such as an abscess or cellulitis. Let’s discuss a recent patient named David, who visited Urgent Care Brisbane (UCB), having noticed a rapidly growing, painful lump on his thigh.